The multi-functional centre in Kirundo

In the week of the celebration of the International Declaration of the Woman's Right is on the 11th of March, accompanied by the First Lady of Burundi, the multifunctional centre for peace in Kurundi festal, officialy opened under the name 'Centre Amahorro'.  This glorious day is the award for the exertion of BWPD, which herewith celebrated her 10th anniversary.With this centre BWPD will stimulate and being the pivot, especailly for the women and the youth, in the reconstruction of Burundi. The centre Amahorro is build thanks to the financial support of Cordaid, NCDO, Wilde Ganzen, ASN Bank, SEVA Netwerk, the Huibert Saane fonds, the catholic church in Rotterdam Noord, the Rotary club in Rotterdam Noord and the council Kirundo in Burundi.

The women in Kirundo have organised themselves in 7 local committees and are working slowly but steadily on the peace process. 
These local women’s groups work in Bugabira, Busoni, Ntega, Bwambarangwe, Gitobe, en Vumbi, and are under the jurisdiction of the non-governmental organization Abaremeshamahoro ( Women for Peace and Development in Burundi ), whose main focus is to train people in resolving conflicts peacefully using the tools meditation, counselling, and mediation.  

 bibliotheek centrumThe goal is to give the women room within the centre for their  activities and to encourage their development. Education and  awareness, a library, and internet are intended to stimulate  women to continue working on the peace process.